VJMC Kansas City Chapter 2014 Main Events

By Press Release
Published on April 7, 2014
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The Kansas City VJMC wants to personally invite you to any or all of our three main events for 2014. Our “Spring Show and Swap Meet” will be held on Saturday, May 10. This event is a fund raiser for Muscular Dystrophy and has a $5 donation at the door. If you are a vendor, please come. Vendor space is included in the $5 donation. If you notify us, we will assign a space for you. 

Our second event is the “All Japanese Motorcycle Show” to be held on Sunday, July 13. This is a ride in event. If you will be bringing a trailer, let us know and we will secure a parking place for your vehicle.

The big event this year is the “VJMC Regional Show & Rally” sponsored by KCVJMC and the Commemorative Air Force Museum (CAF). The date will be Saturday, August 9. This is a regional event designed to build our VJMC community in the Midwest. We want to meet you and find ways to connect with other VJMC members in the Midwest. If you are able to come to this event from outside the Kansas City, Kansas or Missouri areas, we want to meet you and begin developing plans to include you in future regional events. Please come and identify yourself. We will have membership forms at the event, so bring a Japanese motorcycle enthusiast with you who has not yet joined our club and we will recognize them.

More information at www.kcvjmc.org

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