Make no mistake; the Piano Man is a true vintage
motorcycle enthusiast. Unlike celebrities who buy into the vintage scene
because it’s a cool way to, well, be cool, Billy Joel has been into motorcycles
since he was a kid growing up in Levittown,
N.Y., when a neighbor taught him
how to ride his BSA twin. Billy picked up his first bike, a Triumph Tiger, when
heavily in the 1970s when his music career was taking off. More bikes followed,
to the point he needed someplace to store his growing collection of vintage
MotoGuzzis, Harleys, Ducatis and more. Joel converted an old Ford dealership
in Oyster Bay, N.Y., into a museum of sorts, founding 20th Century Cycles as a
place to share his love for motorcycling and his now 90-strong and growing
collection, almost all of them riders. Admission is free. MC
Read about Billy Joel’s Vincent Inspired Vinago.