Riding through the Rockies with the SOHC4 Forum Ride Across America

Reader Contribution by The Sohc4 Forum
Published on August 7, 2012
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(Ed. Note: In 2011 the Single Overhead Cam Four/Forum, an online community devoted to Honda SOHC/4 bikes of the late 1960’s and 1970’s, loosely organized a relay/rally ride that will triple-transect the lower 48 states and all Canadian Provinces. The ride began in mid-March and continues into the early Fall. Learn more and join the ride when it passes your area. )

So many miles, so little time. And in the wide-open spaces of the great American West , the scenery, distances and weather can all be awesomely dramatic. New ride “heroes” seem to pop up weekly on this 3X transcontinental tour, which this week surpasses 7,800 miles in the log book since leaving Daytona Beach, FL back in mid-March.

What follows is as much as a photo tour or travel log capturing just some of the drama that’s unfolded in the past few days. We end this blog entry with the ride due to arrive in Topeka, Kan., for a much anticipated meet-up at the home of Motorcycle Classics and editor Richard Backus. A meeting that will include the originator of this crazy ride concept, Jerry Griffin. It will be a meeting of the minds.

But getting to Kansas has been a touch and go operation this May. Check out the conditions when Greg, known as Ofreen on the SOHC/4 Forum, was scheduled to leave home near the Idaho/Oregon border. Not an auspicious beginning.

US 95 at Jordan Valley near where Ofreen would be starting his is 1,500 trip.

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