Rides & Destinations: Tecate, Baja California, Mexico

If you visit Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, make sure you take in the local cuisine at Amores and Malinalli Sabores Autóctonos.

By Joe Berk
Published on November 12, 2019
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by Joe Berk

What: Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, and the roads to and from this magnificent destination.
How to Get There: Take I-15 or I-5 to I-8, pick up California SR 94 and turn south on SR 188.
Best Kept Secret: Unquestionably, the exquisite dining experiences in Tecate (see above).
Avoid: Forgetting your passport (if you want to get back into the Estados Unidos), returning to the U.S. with more than one bottle of wine (the U.S. limit) and entering Mexico without insurance (we recommend Baja Bound)
More Photos:Exhaust Notes

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