Tired of tuning into SPEED TV for some good motorcycle action only to find nothing but NASCAR? Mark your calendar now to tune in at 11 a.m. Eastern (8 a.m. Pacific) this Sunday, April 20 to catch the third installment of Trippin’ on Two Wheels. A new motorcycle touring series crafted by Dennis Gage, host of the award-winning My Classic Car, Trippin’ features Motorcycle Classics contributor Neale Bayly, Dennis and Dennis’ son, Sam, two-wheeling through exotic locales around the globe. The third episode follows the trio as they explore Spain aboard Aprilia Tuono Rs — and you’ll even get to see Neale throw one down the road! Click here for a sneak preview: http://www.trippinontwowheelstv.com/spainpreview.html
This is definitely must-see motorcycle TV, and we want everyone to pass the word on to motorcyclists everywhere to support some of the best motorcycle TV to come along in ages. Up until this series launched, the boys in control at SPEED didn’t believe there was an audience for an enthusiast-oriented motorcycle series. But the success of Trippin’ – the last episode was the highest rated non-NASCAR program of the day for SPEED! – has them scratching their heads. Could it be people might actually watch a show just because it’s a good story? The answer’s a resounding YES! and we want to make sure the show continues its well-deserved success.
This is quality programming that shows motorcycling in a positive light — the type our industry and our hobby needs. These programs are shot and edited more like short films than typical television shows, and they’re holding viewers’ attention. Judging by viewer reaction to Gage’s Trippin’ series there’s strong desire for this kind of programming over the typical “thrash and trash” the networks incessantly jam down our throats in their bid to grab ratings. Tell your friends, watch it and enjoy, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll finally get the message through to the network execs that we’re an audience to satisfy. – Richard Backus