1979 Harley-Davidson FEXF Shovelhead

A reader shows his Harley-Davidson Shovelhead, which he bought after riding his friend’s FLH Shovelhead.

Reader Contribution by Reader
Published on December 10, 2019
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by MCC reader Will

Speaking bikes

I read the column about bikes that speak to you and I do have one of those bikes: My buddy’s 1984 Harley-Davidson FLH Shovelhead did this to me. I’ve watched him rebuild it starting in about 2000, and go through several iterations, and had many chances to ride it. It made me absolutely want a Shovelhead, mainly, for how they sound. As far as I’m concerned, these were the pinnacle of Harley-Davidson engines, and motorcycles. Fast forward to 2018, I finally have my own Shovelhead, a 1979 FEXF. I also have a 1974 Triumph Trident and a 1969 Triumph Trophy TR25W. Thanks for the magazine. I enjoy it.

Will/via email

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