Fond Memories of a 1969 BSA A65 Lightning

Reader Contribution by Dan Delehant
Published on May 25, 2011
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Dan Delehant and his 1969 BSA A65 Lightining.

Short of a thousand or more attractive females it was the most beautiful thing my eyes ever beheld. Over the years I owned faster and better handling motorcycles but none came close to the stunning estheticism of that black, red and chrome 1969 BSA A65 Lightning. I probably should not admit this, but even now, all these years alter, I pine for that shiny motorcycle more than any lost girlfriend.

Mechanically and electrically it was no prize. The charging system, wiring, and lights were supplied by a British company called Lucas. Lucas was better known by the nickname, “The Prince of Darkness.” All my riding buddies back then rode Triumphs – this was 1969, the Harley craze had yet to occur and the Japanese were flooding the U.S. market with cheap, reliable, and fast motorcycles. Our classic British motorcycles leaked more oil in a night than a Jap-crap (as we deemed them) machine would burn or leak in its lifetime. But we were steeped in denial and believed completely that we rode the cream of the motorcycle crop.

While shopping for the appropriate Triumph I saw the BSA Lightning at a shop in Azusa, Calif., and I was forever smitten. It was ever-lasting love at first sight! The red and chrome tank captured me. I spent a sleepless night and a frantic morning begging and borrowing and that following afternoon I bought the glistening two-wheeled English-built gem. Sure, it was no Triumph, or an Ariel Square Four (the other “accepted” bike back then in Pomona, Calif.) but since it was a British bike I would still be part of the “in” crowd. I called up my two best riding buddies, Gus and George, and told them to ride by my place Friday night, because I had a big surprise for them.

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