Here are some shots of Mother Norton, a ten-year project I finished this August, just in time for my 65th birthday! Â
I bought it from behind a tool shed for $500 – just as it was getting ready to settle its basic elements back out into the earth. But despite the grime encrustation, ape-hangers, Harley back wheel, and pearl-white frame; the unexpected Marchand Equilux headlight gave it a glint in the eye and an air of possibility.Â
There is no paint on the bike, unless you count the powdercoated frame. And the motor was blueprinted by my old friend T.C. “Hogslayer” Christenson ( He ported it and installed a medium-lumpy Megacycle cam. I fitted an 18-inch back wheel and Avon Super Venoms, Al Miles uprated the front brake, and I bolted up a MAP Mikuni kit just because I am a little lazy. You know from the slightly rude exhaust note that this is a healthy 850.  Â
With 850 Atlas torque, Roadholders and Hagons, it is A BLAST on the Jemez Mountain Road here in Northern New Mexico.Â