Adding a Carb Gantry to Your Norton Commando

A carburetor gantry isn’t necessary but it is a convenient modification and can provide a personal touch to a Norton Commando.

Reader Contribution by The Motorcycle Classics Staff
Published on August 9, 2019
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by Keith Fellenstein
All the new parts that came in Donald Pender’s Norton carburetor gantry kit, laid out and ready for installation.

A few issues ago we installed a pair of Donald Pender’s version of the Lansdowne dampers on a 1974 Norton Commando. While looking through his list of available parts, we noticed another cool upgrade we were interested in trying out. Don manufactures a gantry setup for the Norton Commando. The kit, once installed, does away with the 1-into-2 cable throttle setup and greatly simplifies carb synchronization.

You’ll search in vain for it at, so instead your best bet is to email Don directly at That’s what we did, and for just $134, shipping included, exactly one week later (from the Philippines!) we had the kit shown here.

In this How-To we’ll show you the steps necessary to change over from the 1-into-2 cable system to the single-cable gantry. One might ask whether this is really a necessary upgrade, and the answer, of course, is no. Norton Commandos with dual carburetors have been running their stock cable setups for decades and are functioning just fine.

This is a modification that would definitely be labeled a “farkle,” but it is a practical one, as the setup delivers a smoother, easier throttle pull. It’s just one of those things you do to your machine to make it your own.
Keith Fellenstein

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