Installing a Colorado Norton Works Electric Starter

We’ll show you the step-by-step process of installing an electric starter from Colorado Norton Works.

Reader Contribution by Keith Fellenstein
Published on February 13, 2020
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by Keith Fellenstein

Back in 2018 we installed an Alton electric starter on editor Hall’s Norton Commando. This time around we’re installing the other easily sourced electric starter kit, from Colorado Norton Works. As you can see from the photo above, this is a comprehensive kit that includes a belt drive conversion in addition to the starter. Like the Alton, this kit requires you to replace the inner chain case. The CNW starter requires you to remove the stock ham can air cleaner, as the starter motor takes up some of that space. Fortunately they also sell the K&N compact air cleaner that does fit with the starter. There’s rumor of a smaller stock looking air cleaner in the works from CNW. We’ll look at that when it comes out. Sometimes belt drives change the primary ratio, but this kit barely changes it, from 2.19 to 2.188. The included instructions are comprehensive, follow them and you’ll do fine. If your battery has a few years on it, replace it, preferably with an AGM battery, the largest that will fit in your battery space. We sourced a DEKA ETX16L from our local battery store.
Keith Fellenstein

1. Begin by disconnecting the battery. Find the two wires running from the alternator to the wiring harness and unhook them. Disconnect the wires running to the rear brake switch and remove the rear brake pedal. Remove the center bolt from the outer chain case and drain the primary case. Remove the primary cover.

2. Remove the clutch-adjusting nut and clutch rod.

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