Q and A: Gauge Rebuilders, Oil Types, and CB350

Join Keith Fellenstein as he answers questions from readers about gauge rebuilders, oil types, CB350 issues, and much more.

By Keith Fellenstein
Published on February 3, 2021
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by Keith Fellenstein

Gauge rebuilders

Q: I have a 1981 Suzuki GS750L that I’m rebuilding for the 3rd time. I need to get the tachometer and speedometer rebuilt. Could you suggest a company here in the U.S.?

Steven Rondeau/via email

A: I didn’t know of any offhand so I had to search a bit and found this fellow who specializes in Suzuki speedometers. Contact him and see what he has to offer. I hope this helps:

Help this reader

Q: Hello Keith, I have a Rumi Formichino scooter that needs a crankshaft rebuild (seals and bearings). Do you know anyone in the U.S. who can do this? Thanks in advance.

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