Dear Motorcycle Show and Swap Enthusiast,
Due to much needed earthquake retrofitting and renovations, a large portion of the parking lot we normally use at El Camino College is unavailable for use for this year’s El Camino event on September 22. This construction would result in having to turn away 75 of our regular swap meet vendors, and would once again leave us without space for the 30 to 50 new vendors that inquire each year wanting to participate in the event.
Not wanting to postpone the largest motorcycle show and swap on the West Coast, and wanting to accommodate everyone rather than turning anyone away, we have been forced to consider a larger venue. We believe we’ve found the best choice at Irwindale Raceway, located at 500 Speedway Dr., Irwindale, CA 91706.
The vendor spaces are a bit larger and we have plenty of room for all of our regular vendors, new vendors and future growth.
The City of Irwindale does require a local business license, which is included in the price of the vendor space, hence the increase in price from $65 to $75 for pre-registered and from $85 to $95 at the gate.
The bike show registration fee and spectator admission will stay the same. There will be a $5 parking fee per vehicle and FREE dedicated ride-in parking for motorcycles.
We hope the changes we have made will make everyone’s show and swap experience a great one and look forward to seeing you at the 2012 El Camino Show & Swap on September 22. A California tradition for 37 years … and counting.
See you at Irwindale!
The staff at Classic Cycle Events
As always, up to date information can be found on our website at