2024 Small Bike, Big Adventure

By Corey Levenson
Updated on December 2, 2024
article image
by Richard Backus
Our group shot from the first day of SBBA. We got really lucky with the nice weather.

If riding in the Motogiro d’Italia is on your bucket list, but the logistics or cost of getting to Italy are daunting, consider participating in the U.S.-based Small Bike Big Adventure (SBBA) event instead.

It’s a smaller event than the Motogiro (a few dozen riders rather than a couple hundred), but both events cover about the same distance over five days. And while the U.S. ain’t Italy, our domestic scenery can certainly rival what you’ll find on the other side of the Atlantic.

Faithful readers of this magazine may remember Richard Backus’s story featuring the 2023 SBBA event, which went into the origins of the event. The 2024 SBBA was the fifth edition of the event and, for the first time, took place outside of Colorado.

In keeping with the spirit of the event, participants are restricted to riding machines made no later than 1972 and no larger than 350cc. Late ’60s Hondas were popular choices, but there was everything from a pair of two-stroke Puchs to Ducatis, Bultacos, Benellis, Aermacchis, Moto Guzzis and even a 1930s vintage New Imperial.

The ride traditionally takes place over five days and covers approximately 800 miles, with daily distances ranging from 120-190 miles. With such small displacement machines, average speeds tend to be relaxed — 35-45mph depending on how much climbing there is.

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