Ride to Work Day is Monday!

By Richard Backus
Published on June 18, 2010
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The AMA is promoting Ride to Work day, June 21, 2010. Read more below!

Consider this our Public Service Announcement of the week, a reminder to everyone in the motorcyling community that this coming Monday, June 21, is national Ride to Work Day.

Okay, so this isn’t much of a blog and definately more of a PSA, but I won’t apologize for that because Ride to Work day is our day to show the rest of the country just how many motorcyclists there really are among our citizenry and the impact – or lack thereof – motorcycles have on our public roadways. To that end, I encourage everyone who rides to make sure and ride this Monday, June 21. And to learn more about Ride to Work day and its history and impact, read the official press release from the AMA below. Ride safe! — Richard Backus 

PICKERINGTON, Ohio — The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) is encouraging all motorcyclists to help demonstrate the tangible benefits of commuting to work on a motorcycle on Monday, June 21, in celebration of national Ride to Work Day — and to be safe while doing it.

“Ride to Work Day is a great way to show that motorcycles are fun to ride as well as an economical way to transport yourself from one point to another,” said AMA President and CEO Rob Dingman. “With so many more riders on the road at this time of year, it’s also a good opportunity to extend a note of caution to riders and motorists alike as part of the I AMAware campaign, which emphasizes safety on the road through enhanced awareness of fellow road users.

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