A lovely Triton at a past Hansen Dam Rally.
Head to Tuscon, Ariz., for the 5th Annual Cops and Rodders Car, Truck and Antique Motorcycle Show. Held rain or shine, this year will also feature a pinewood derby race for kids. On the web at www.copsandrodderstucson.org
Join the Southern California Norton Owners Club for the 33rd Annual Hansen Dam All British Ride, near Lake View Terrace, Calif. The 2010 ride attracted around 800 bikes. Gates open at 8 a.m., and the ride leaves at 10 a.m., returning around 1:30 p.m., with show bike awards given in six categories. On the web at www.socalnorton.com
Norcross, Ga., is the place to be for the 21st Annual Blue Moon Cycle Euro Swap Meet on Saturday, Nov. 12. The swap meet is open to all parts, accessories and gear for European motorcycles. There will also be a used bike corral where all brands and years of used motorcycles will be offered on a consignment basis. Vendor setup starts at 8 a.m. Swap meet runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Then join in Sunday, Nov. 13 for the Vintage Motorcycle Ride. This ride is open to all motorcycles 1985 and older. It will be a scenic ride through the Georgia countryside with a special destination and lunch. This is a great ride to celebrate vintage bikes and the great fall weather in Georgia. Admission is free, and the ride leaves at 9:30 a.m. from Blue Moon. On the web at www.bluemooncycle.com
Head to the 6th Annual Dania Beach Vintage Motorcycle Show in Dania Beach, Fla., just south of Ft. Lauderdale. Hosted by the Sunshine Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America, the event is free and had just more than 200 bikes entered last year. On the web at www.daniabeachvintagebikeshow.com
Nov. 3-6 — Lone Star Rally, Galveston Island, TX. www.lonestarrally.com
Nov. 6 — Walneck’s MC Swap Meet & Show, Shepherdsville, KY. www.walneckswap.com
Nov. 6 — SW Florida Bikers forBabies, Fort Myers, FL.www.bikersforbabies.org
Nov. 6-8 — Grand Canyons & RedRocks Motorcycle Tour, Phoenix, AZ.http://twistedtrailz.com
Nov. 10-13 — Three Sisters RallyConcan, TX. www.threesistersrally.net
Nov. 10-13 — 11th Annual RockyPoint Rally, Puerto Peñasco, Sonora,Mexico. www.rockypointrally.com
Nov. 10-13 — 9th Annual WheelsThrough Time Raffle and HaywoodCounty Toy Run, Maggie Valley, NC.www.wheelsthroughtime.com
Nov. 13 — Florida Bikers for Babies,Titusville, FL. www.bikersforbabies.org
Nov. 13 — So-Cal Cycle Show andSwap, Long Beach, CA.www.toppingevents.com
Nov. 13-15 — Cowboy CountryMotorcycle Tour, Phoenix, AZ.http://twistedtrailz.com
Nov. 18-20 — 2011 InternationalMotorcycle Show, San Mateo, CA.www.motorcycleshows.com
Nov. 20 — 14th Annual GreatTeddy Bear Run, Sarasota, FL.www.rossiterharleydavidson.com
Dec. 2-4 — International Motorcycle Show, Dallas, TX.www.motorcycleshows.com
Dec. 4 — So-Cal Cycle Show andSwap , Long Beach, CA.www.toppingevents.com
Dec. 4 — Jeff Williams MotorcycleSwap Meet, Oklahoma City, OK.www.jwswapmeet.com
Dec. 4 — 34th Annual ChicagolandToys for Tots Motorcycle Parade,Chicago, IL. www.chicagolandtft.org
Dec. 9-11 — InternationalMotorcycle Show, Long Beach, CA.www.motorcycleshows.com
Dec. 16-18 — InternationalMotorcycle Show, Seattle, WA.www.motorcycleshows.com
Dec. 18 — Walneck’s SwapMeet & Show, St. Charles, IL.www.walneckswap.com
Jan. 6-8 — InternationalMotorcycle Show, Novi, MI.www.motorcycleshows.com
Jan. 13-15 — InternationalMotorcycle Show, Washington, D.C.www.motorcycleshows.com