Motorcycle Classics has teamed up with Dairyland Cycle Insurance, sponsors of our popular Bonneville Build in 2010, for our next bike project, and this time you get to play a hand by helping us choose what to build. Like previous builds, our next project will be a custom classic motorcycle. This time, we want you to help us choose our subject bike by voting for your favorite in the Motorcycle Classics/Dairyland Cycle Insurance Race To Rebuild.
It’s no secret that we like riders, so for this next build, we’ve chosen four bikes that fit a theme of classic highway cruisers: the BMW R90/6, the Harley-Davidson Iron Head Sportster 1000, the Honda CB750 Four, and the last of the “real” Triumphs, the classic Triumph T140 Bonneville. All we need from you is your vote to determine which one of these classic cruisers deserves to get the Motorcycle Classics custom touch.
Once you’ve chosen our build bike, you can follow our progress online and weigh in with your opinion on what we’re doing and what you’d like to see on our finished bike. We’ll make regular updates on our build page and feature highlights of the build in every issue of Motorcycle Classics. And when it’s done, some lucky reader will ride our custom classic motorcycle home when we give it away!
Voting is easy: Just go to build sponsor Dairyland Cycle Insurance’s Race to Rebuild Facebook page to “like” our project and cast your vote. But hurry, because voting closes March 9, 2012. So log on now to help us decide what classic bike we’ll customize in the Motorcycle Classics/Dairyland Cycle Insurance Race to Rebuild!