The learning curve – with a twist

Reader Contribution by Alison Green
Published on July 28, 2009
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I have owned and ridden some sort of motorcycle for an astonishing number of years. (at least it is astonishing to me!) During this time and with considerable good luck, I have managed to continue without any broken bones or nasty scrapes. My pride has taken a beating on occasion, but not my hide.

However, after all of these years I am still puzzled by the reactions of casual, and not so casual, acquaintances when they discern that I choose ride a motorcycle.  These are not close friends or family concerned about my welfare; just the everyday, “Hi, how are you” sort of acquaintances who react to my riding gear and helmet as if I were contagious.

Immediately after the initial formalities, they will launch into some mis-heard and poorly repeated story about some friend of a distant cousin who came to grief on a motorcycle.  

Is this a misguided concern for my safety? Are they trying to make me reconsider my evil ways? Do they simply enjoy seeing other people squirm at the recounting of the gory details? I simply don’t know.

What I do know is that this scenario is guaranteed to play itself out many times over with anyone who rides a motorcycle. And unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any polite way to avoid these stories. But believe it or not, you have the choice of turning these unfortunate tales into lessons. Ask questions!

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