Regular readers and sweepstakes hopefuls know we’re giving away the Motorcycle Classics/Dairyland CycleRace to Rebuild 1983 Honda CB1100F, the stunning resto-mod completed by Herm Narciso and Jason Paul Michaels at Dime City Cycles. Well, the winning name’s been drawn, and we’re happy to announce that our Honda’s heading to Columbus, Ohio, where it’ll join new owner and aspiring motorcyclist Joe Adkins. Joe’s interest in riding has been perked by the budding vintage custom category, but he didn’t own a bike and wasn’t having any luck scaring up the cash to buy one, so he figured he’d enter our sweepstakes and see if he could win one. Well, he owns a bike now, and a pretty amazing one, at that. Talk about finding lady luck.
Joe’s going to have to wait a few extra weeks to see his new Honda in the flesh, however, because no sooner had Dime City finished our Honda CB1100F than they got a call from the folks at The One Motorcycle Show in Portland, Ore., asking them to display it at this year’s event. Organized by Thor Drake’s See See Motor Coffee Co., a custom bike shop paired with a coffee shop in Portland’s east side, The One Show has become a major stepping out party in the burgeoning category of vintage customs. Now five years in the making, what started as a grassroots celebration of what moves the new breed of builders and riders has turned into something of a debutante ball for the movers and shakers — as well as the unknowns — in the community of motorcyclists hinged on making something new out of the old.
As we went to print, Herm and Jason were loading up our CB1100F for The One Show, taking it from their shop in Largo, Fla., to Portland to share with the West Coast crowd. We couldn’t hook up with new owner Joe before the bike shipped out, so for now we’ll patiently await its return — and a chance to catch up with Joe, who’s itching for his first ride. MC