Brand new, uncrated 1979 Yamaha RD400F sold on eBay for $21,000.
If this bike rings a bell, it should. We first told you about this brand new, never uncrated 1979 Yamaha RD400F back in June 2010, when reader Scott Lees stumbled across it at Britt Motorsports in Wilmington, N.C. When Scott visited the dealership, the Yamaha was resting just inside the front door of the motorcycle dealership, pushed up against a wall where it was being used as a table to hold racing trophies. At the time, Scott was told it was not for sale at any price. Turns out it did have a price; $21,000, to be exact.
The RD400F was basically hidden behind the green couch, doing duty as a trophy stand.
We don’t know what changed the dealership’s mind, about selling it, but we discovered the still-crated Yamaha listed on eBay this past week, where it garnered 46 bids before selling for $21,000, surely a record price for a Yamaha RD400F – or any Yamaha, for that matter. Either way, that’s a lot of money for a bike you couldn’t even see, although the listing said the winning bidder would be supplied “uncovered” pictures. Still, we’d have been nervous bidding on it as there’s no guarantee the bike in the box hasn’t suffered corrosion from moisture or blistered paint from heat during storage. With any luck it’ll be time-capsule perfect, and we’re really hoping the winning bidder comes forth so we can all see what he or she actually got. Click here to read Scott Lees’ original article on the new-in-crate Yamaha RD400F.