Converting a Triumph 6-Volt Charging System

Using a 12-volt Lucas alternator and Boyer Power Box, we’ll show you how to upgrade the 6-volt charging system on your Triumph.

Reader Contribution by The Motorcycle Classics Staff
Published on December 10, 2019
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by Keith Fellenstein
All the new (and used) parts needed to convert our 1964 Triumph T100SC Tiger, laid out and ready for installation.

There comes a time when practicality overcomes originality, and a good example of that is our project for this issue, converting a 6v Energy Transfer (ET) ignition Triumph over to 12v while retaining the original no-battery look of the ET system. For that we used a 12v Lucas alternator and a Boyer Power Box, both sourced from Klempf’s British Parts in Dodge Center, Minnesota. I explained to Mitch Klempf that I wanted better lighting, but didn’t want to alter the look and he agreed that changing the alternator and putting a Power Box up under the seat would keep the look while allowing me to see the road ahead at night. This How To will show you how you can do this too if needed or wanted.

Keith Fellenstein

1. We’ll begin by removing the left footpeg and lowering the brake lever for access to the primary drive and alternator.

2. You’ll also need to slacken off the primary chain tensioner and drain the oil from the primary. As the primary screws are of various lengths, it helps to draw a schematic on a piece of corrugate and punch the screws through in their proper places.

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