More stars join Motostars exhibit

By Landon Hall
Published on April 2, 2008
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Photo Courtesy of Randall Cordero

The Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum in Pickerington, Ohio, the country’s premier showcase of motorcycling heritage and history, has revealed the names of more than 25 significant personalities and groups to be featured in the upcoming “MotoStars: Celebrities + Motorcycles” exhibit.  The exhibit will spotlight the world’s most recognizable enthusiasts and present priceless machines, exclusive memorabilia and tales from celebrities’ favorite two-wheel adventures. Featured MotoStars, Motorcycle Hall of Famers, industry leaders and enthusiasts will gather on the grounds of the Museum in Pickerington, Ohio, June 27-28, 2008, for the exhibit’s grand opening and the “MotoStars: Celebrities + Motorcycles” Ribbon-Cutting Weekend.  Featured bikes include the motorcycle actor and motorcyclist Francesco Quinn rode in the new Quentin Tarantino and Larry Bishop film “Hell Ride,” seen above.

Prominent personalities from a variety of industries have offered motorcycles and ephemera to the exhibit.  Notable athletes include Jeff Lacy, super middleweight boxing star, and Wally Dallenbach, Sr., champion race car driver and founder of the Colorado 500, a charity dirt bike ride now in its thirty-third year.  Barrett Brooks, Super Bowl-winning Pittsburgh Steelers tackle, will lend his Sara Liberte-built custom bike, as well as personal memorabilia.

The music industry is also well-represented in “MotoStars: Celebrities + Motorcycles.”  Queensryche guitarist Mike Stone’s Buell motorcycle and Erik Buell-designed guitar will be featured alongside custom motorcycles built for Def Leppard drummer Ric Allen and Blink182 drummer Travis Barker.  Additionally, a leading Buddy Holly collector will provide rare ephemera from the rock n’ roll legend.

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