Hodaka Clutch Plates: Order while you can!

Reader Contribution by Mc Staff
Published on February 15, 2012
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Strictly Hodaka, the #1 supplier of new and used Hodaka parts in the world, sent us the following appeal to Hodaka owners to pre-order clutch plates so they can meet their order minimum. Seems like a good opportunity for Hodaka owners to ensure they can keep their – and other Hodaka owners’ – bikes on the road. Read on:

“We are currently re-making our 2nd run of our Strictly Hodaka improved clutch plates. The problem is, we are trying to make many other items at the same time to keep Hodaka’s alive and running.

“To make our new, improved clutch plate we need to produce several thousand at one time. There is only so much we can do on our own and could use “your” help.

“If anyone needs a set or more of plates for this year’s race season, or just wants to put new, improved, and much better plates on your bike, now is the time!!

“We are offering a “buy in” reduced price for a very short time only! The plates offered with this deal will be delivered to us by mid March, and then shipped directly to you.”

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