Egli-Vincent nabs Best of Show at Barber Vintage Festival

By Richard Backus
Published on October 23, 2008
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Dale Keesecker won Best of Show for his 1971 Egli-Vincent at the Motorcycle Classics East Meets West Bike Show at the 2008 Barber Vintage Festival.

Vincent collector Dale Keesecker’s 1971 Egli-Vincent won top honors at the Motorcycle Classics East Meets West Classic Bike Show, Saturday, Oct. 18 at the 4th Annual Barber Vintage Festival. A long-time Vincent fan, Keesecker has over the past few years focused on Vincent specials like the Swiss Egli and Australian Terry Prince specials.

Although a driving rain on Friday threatened to put a real damper on the show, and forced us to cancel our Barber to 29 Dreams Charity Ride, Saturday dawned clear and bright, if maybe a little too cold to burn off the rain water liberally coating just about every square inch of manicured grass at the Barber Motorsports Park outside of Birmingham, Ala. Fortunately, that didn’t seem to stop tens of thousands of vintage bike fans from descending on Barber, taking in the incredible collection of vintage bikes housed in the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum while also watching the season ending races in the AHRMA vintage race schedule.

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